In June 2021, Mississippi Power issued its first sustainability bond, receiving net proceeds of approximately $319M from this issuance (Series 2021B). Mississippi Power allocated an amount equal to these net proceeds to eligible green and social categories as defined in Southern Company’s Sustainable Financing Framework.

As shown below, Mississippi Power allocated an amount equal to ~$240M of net proceeds to eligible green spend (75%), while the balance of the net proceeds (~$79M, or 25%) was allocated to eligible social spend.

MPC Sustainability Bond Net Proceeds Allocation: $319M

$0 $25 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $200 $250 $275 $300 $325
Green: $240M
Social: $79M
Renewable PPA:
$238M (74%)
Renewable Capex:
$2M (1%)
Diverse Supplier Spend:
$47M (15%)
Small Business
Supplier Spend:
$32M (10%)
Solar PPA:
$238M (74%)
Walnut Grove Solar:
$2M (1%)
Minority Owned:
$7M (2%)
$39M (12%)
Veteran-Owned: $0.3M (<1%)
Small Business: $32M (10%)
Note: totals may not foot due to rounding

Mississippi Power allocated an amount equal to the net proceeds to various renewable energy projects—such as a self-owned solar facility and renewable PPAs—as well as to a number of diverse-owned and small-business enterprises. As shown below, the environmental and social benefits from this sustainability bond underscore Mississippi Power’s commitment to being a Citizen Wherever We Serve.

Mississippi Power Company 2021B Sustainability Bond Impact Summary1

Series2 Category Number of Suppliers Type /
Net Proceeds
Allocated ($M)
Project In-Service Date Fact Sheet Capacity (MW) Electricity
Generated (GWh)1
Total CO2 Offset
Home Power
Renewable Energy Owned Solar $2 Walnut Grove3 3Q 2022 Click Here 1.5 4 2,393 346
Solar PPA $238 Various (MS)
2021B Diverse / Small Business Suppliers 25 Minority-Owned $7
4 Woman-Owned $39
9 Veteran-Owned $0.3
10 Small Business Enterprise $32

1Environmental data as of 12/31/2024
2Click on the Series to view the Prospectus Supplement
3If any associated renewable energy credits are sold, the ultimate purchaser of the renewable energy credits generated by the solar facility gains the exclusive right to claim that its load received any and all environmental benefits associated with the renewable energy generated.
4Carbon offset factor = 0.67 based on 2019 methodology per EIA online calculator (EIA's most recent update)
5Number of homes factor = 0.0968 based on EIA average 861 kWh per month electricity consumption for 2023

For more information, click here for the Management Assertion and Independent Accountants' Attestation Report.